
Builds a causal-server. That is, an executable that exposes XATMI services in a possible transactional context, with possible XA-resources linked in that will be initialized on boot.


casual is installed and CASUAL_HOME is set to the install path.


In both examples we use a simple echo server defined in echo.cpp, which has one service named echo

#include "xatmi.h"

extern "C"
   void echo( TPSVCINFO* info)
      tpreturn( TPSUCCESS, 0, info->data, info->len, 0);


We want the server to be named simple-server that has one service echo. We pass the source file echo.cpp to casual-build-server to be compiled at the same time as building the server.

The echo service will have auto transaction semantics, see below.

$ casual-build-server --output simple-server --service echo --link-directives echo.cpp


We use a server-definition-file to define the server in it’s services. We name this example.server.yaml,


      # key of the resource (defined in resource-properties)
    - key: rm-mockup
      # a logical name that this server will use to get the proper runtime configuration.
      # it's probably a good idea to have names like <resource-type>/<application>, ex: db/my-application
      # to make it easier to configure correctly. Can be any name though.
      # If the domain does not have resource-configuration for the defined name, the server will not boot.
      name: resource-1

      # name of the service, note that we use a different name from the function name
    - name: example/echo
      # name of the function the service should bind to
      function: echo

      # transaction characteristics
      # Can be one of the following
      # - auto : if a transaction is present join it, else start a new one (default)
      # - join : if a transaction is present join it,
      # - none : don't join any transaction
      # - atomic : start a new transaction regardless.
      # - branch : do not use unless you know what you're doing...
      transaction: join
  • We want the server to be named advanced-server

  • Use the definition-file to define the server (which adds a dependency to a resource with the name resource-1 and the key rm-mockup )

  • Pass the source file echo.cpp to casual-build-server to be compiled at the same time as building the server.

$ casual-build-server --output advanced-server --definition example.server.yaml --build-directives echo.cpp 

We can see that advanced-server has a dependency to the XA-structure for rm-mockup: _casual_mockup_xa_switch_static

$ nm advanced-server 
                 U _casual_mockup_xa_switch_static
                 U _casual_start_server
0000000100000f30 T _echo
0000000100000e70 T _main
                 U _tpreturn
                 U _tpsvrdone
                 U _tpsvrinit
                 U dyld_stub_binder


casual-build-server assumes gcc/g++ option compatibility for defaults. If you use another compiler you can opt to not use the default include/library-paths and so on.

Note: you need to provide all paths, libraries etc.

$ casual-build-server --no-defaults --output advanced-server --definition example.server.yaml --build-directives echo.cpp <all other stuff your compiler needs>


casual-build-server-generate only generate the intermediate main file, that has the ‘magic’ to bootstrap a casual server.

$ casual-build-server-generate --output your-name-on-the-source-file.cpp --definition example.server.yaml

This might be easier to use, depending och your build system.


$ casual-build-server --help

  builds a casual xatmi server

OPTIONS                                    c  value    vc  description
-----------------------------------------  -  -------  --  -----------------------------------------------
-o, --output                               ?  <value>   1  name of server to be built
-s, --service                              *  <value>   +  service names
-d, --server-definition                    ?  <value>   1  path to server definition file
-r, --resource-keys                        *  <value>   +  key of the resource
-c, --compiler                             ?  <value>   1  compiler to use
-f, --build-directives, --link-directives  *  <value>   +  additional compile and link directives
-p, --properties-file                      ?  <value>   1  path to resource properties file
--no-defaults                              ?               do not add any default compiler/link directives
--source-file                              ?  <value>   1  name of the intermediate source file
-k, --keep                                 ?               keep the intermediate source file
-v, --verbose                              ?               verbose output
--help                                     ?  <value>   *  use --help <option> to see further details