host# casual --help domain
domain [0..1]
local casual domain related administration
-ls, --list-servers [0..1]
list all servers
-le, --list-executables [0..1]
list all executables
-sa, --scale-aliases [0..1] (<alias>, <#>) [2..* {2}]
scale instances for the provided aliases
deprecated: [-si, --scale-instances]
-ra, --restart-aliases [0..1] (<alias>) [1..*]
restart instances for the given aliases
note: some aliases are unrestartable
deprecated: [-ri, --restart-instances]
-rg, --restart-groups [0..1] (<group>) [0..*]
restart all instances for aliases that are members of the provided groups
if no groups are provided, all groups are restated.
note: some aliases are unrestartable
-lis, --list-instances-server [0..1]
list all running server instances
-lie, --list-instances-executable [0..1]
list all running executable instances
-b, --boot [0..1] (<glob patterns>) [0..*]
boot domain
With supplied configuration files, in the form of glob patterns.
-s, --shutdown [0..1]
shutdown domain
--set-environment [0..*] (<variable>, <value>, [<alias>*]) [2..*]
set an environment variable for explicit aliases
if 0 aliases are provided, the environment variable will be set
for all servers and executables
--configuration-get [0..1] (json, yaml, xml, ini) [0..1]
get current configuration
--configuration-post [0..1] (json, yaml, xml, ini) [1]
reads configuration from stdin and replaces the domain configuration
casual will try to conform to the new configuration as smooth as possible. Although, there could be some "noise"
depending on what parts are updated.
--configuration-edit [0..1] (json, yaml, xml, ini) [0..1]
get current configuration, starts an editor, on quit the edited configuration is posted.
The editor is deduced from the following environment variables, in this order:
If none is set, `vi` is used.
If no changes are detected, no update will take place.
--configuration-put [0..1] (json, yaml, xml, ini) [1]
reads configuration from stdin and adds or updates parts
The semantics are similar to http PUT:
* every key that is found is treated as an update of that _entity_
* every key that is NOT found is treated as a new _entity_ and added to the current state
--ping [0..1] (<alias>) [1..*]
ping all instances of the provided server alias
--instance-global-state [0..1] (<pid>, [<format>]) [1..2]
get the 'global state' for the provided pid
--legend [0..1] (list-executables, list-servers, ping) [1]
the legend for the supplied option
Documentation and description for abbreviations and acronyms used as columns in output
note: not all options has legend, use 'auto complete' to find out which legends are supported.
--information [0..1]
collect aggregated general information about this domain
--state [0..1] (json, yaml, xml, ini, line) [0..1]
prints state in the provided format to stdout
--log-reopen [0..1]
reopen casual.log by sending SIGHUP to all servers, and outputs all running executables