casual queueΒΆ

host# casual --help queue

  queue [0..1]
        queue related administration

      -q, --list-queues [0..1]
            list information of all queues in current domain

      -z, --list-zombies [0..1]
            list information of all zombie queues in current domain

      -r, --list-remote [0..1]
            list all remote discovered queues

      -g, --list-groups [0..1]
            list information of all groups in current domain

      -m, --list-messages [0..1]  (<queue>) [1]
            list information of all messages of the provided queue

      --list-forward-services [0..1]
            list information of all service forwards

      --list-forward-queues [0..1]
            list information of all queue forwards

      --list-forward-groups [0..1]
            list (aggregated) information of forward groups

      --restore [0..1]  (<queue>) [0..*]
            restores messages to queue
            Messages will be restored to the queue they first was enqueued to (within the same queue-group)
            casual queue --restore <queue-name>

      -e, --enqueue [0..1]  (<queue>) [1]
            enqueue buffer(s) to a queue from stdin
            Assumes a conformant buffer(s)
            cat somefile.bin | casual queue --enqueue <queue-name>
            @note: part of casual-pipe

      -d, --dequeue [0..1]  (<queue>, [<id>]) [1..2]
            dequeue message from a queue to `casual-pipe`
            if id is absent the oldest available message is dequeued. 
            casual queue --dequeue <queue> | <some other part in casual-pipe> | ... | <casual-pipe termination>
            casual queue --dequeue <queue> <id> | <some other part in casual-pipe> | ... | <casual-pipe termination>
            @note: part of casual-pipe

      -p, --peek [0..1]  (<queue>, [<id>]) [1..*]
            peeks messages from the give queue and streams them to casual-pipe
            casual queue --peek <queue-name> <id1> <id2> | <some other part of casual-pipe> | ... | <casual-pipe-termination>
            @note: part of casual-pipe

      --consume [0..1]  (<queue>, <count>) [1..2]
            consumes up to `count` messages from the provided `queue` and send it downstream
            casual queue --consume <queue-name> [<count>] | <some other part of casual-pipe> | ... | <casual-pipe-termination>
            @note: part of casual-pipe

      --attributes [0..1]  (<attribute-name>, <value>) [2..* {2}]
            INCUBATION - adds or mutates queue message attributes on piped messages
            @attention INCUBATION - might change during. or in between minor version.
            Valid attributes:
            * properties  | user defined string
            * reply       | queue name
            * available   | absolute time since epoch ([+]?<value>[h|min|s|ms|us|ns])+
            `$ casual queue --dequeue a | casual queue --attributes reply a.reply properties foo | casual queue --enqueue a`
            @note: Can be used to add queue attributes to a service reply_
            @note: part of casual-pipe

      --clear [0..1]  (<queue>) [1..*]
            clears all messages from provided queues
            casual queue --clear a b c

      --remove-messages [0..1]  (<queue>, <id>) [2..*]
            removes specific messages from a given queue

      --recover-transactions-commit [0..1]  (<gtrid>) [1..*]
            recover specific messages from a given queue with commit

      --recover-transactions-rollback [0..1]  (<gtrid>) [1..*]
            recover specific messages from a given queue with rollback

      --forward-scale-aliases [0..1]  (<alias>, <# instances>) [2..* {2}]
            scales forward aliases to the requested number of instances
            casual queue --forward-scale-aliases a 2 b 0 c 10

      --metric-reset [0..1]  (<queue>) [1..*]
            resets metrics for the provided queues
            if no queues are provided, metrics for all queues are reset.
            casual queue --metric-reset a b

      --legend [0..1]  (list-queues, list-messages, list-forward-groups, list-forward-services, list-forward-queues) [1]
            provide legend for the output for some of the options
            to view legend for --list-queues use casual queue --legend list-queues, and so on.
            use auto-complete to help which options has legends

      --information [0..1]
            collect aggregated information about queues in this domain

      --state [0..1]  (json, yaml, xml, ini, line) [0..1]
            prints state in the provided format to stdout