field string serialization

Functionality to serialize a fielded buffer to and from a string representation


Developer creates a mapping-file that defines a set of transformations/serializations for field <-> string bound to an arbitrary unique key.

From this mapping-file the developer generates a cpp file, and then compiles and links the implementation to the executable. This can of course be done via a shared object.

From the code that is going to perform the serialization, the developer uses the C-api to invoke a specific transformation/serialization by providing the arbitrary key (and the input/output - buffer/string)

mapping file

The following format can be used:

  • yaml

  • json

  • xml

  • ini

The file-extension has to correlate with the format.

yaml example:

  - key: some_key_1
    note: some documentation

      - name: FLD_STRING1 # name of the field. 
        size: 10 # size of the fixed string representation.
        # alignment: "left"  <- default value
        # padding: " " <- default value, if set, at least on char has to be set .
      - name: FLD_STRING2
        size: 20
        alignment: "left"
        padding: "." # will be padded _to the right_ with '.'

  - key: some_key_2
    note: some documentation

      - name: FLD_LONG1
        size: 10
        alignment: "right"
      - name: FLD_STRING2
        size: 20
        alignment: "left"

      # other yaml syntax for the same thing
      - { name: FLD_SHORT1, size: 4}

generate the implementation

casual-buffer-field-serialize is used to generate the implementation.

as always, use option --help to get additional information on what’s possible


$ $CASUAL_HOME/bin/casual-buffer-field-serialize --files some-mapping-file.yaml --output some-implementation.cpp

possible build scenarios

  • One mapping-file for all mappings, that generate one cpp implementation file.

    • The compiled object file could be linked directly, or via a library.

  • Many mapping-files that generate one cpp implementation file.

    • The compiled object file could be linked directly, or via a library.

  • Many mapping-files that generates many implementation files.

    • These could be linked to one shared object file (lib), that is linked to the executable

invoke the serialization

The developer uses the C-api to invoke a specific transformation/serialization by providing the arbitrary key (and the input/output - buffer/string)


// error handling omitted for clarity

void some_function( const char* buffer)
   char memory[ 1024]; // some large enough memory
   casual_field_to_string( memory, sizeof( memory), "some-defined-key", buffer);
   // use the _stringified_ representation...

void some_function( const char* memory, long size)
   char* buffer = tpalloc( CASUAL_FIELD, NULL, 128); // buffer will be expanded during the transformation
   casual_field_from_string( &buffer, "some-defined-key", memory, size);
   // use the buffer...