# API `casual` has several administration services that can be called from users. If `casual-http-inbound` is started for a domain, users can call these over http. Which makes it possible to create arbitrary administration tools to manage `casual`. **Attention** `casual` might change administration service API between _minors_. This due to the cost to keep compatibility. In the future we aim to lock the compatibility between majors. ## Available services To list all available administration services use the following command: ```bash $ casual service --list-admin-services ``` ### `state` Every _manager_ has a `state` service, that delivers the manager total state. These state-services are mainly used for listing different CLI views of the manager state. The `state` services might give a more complete view than other CLI views, and might give further insights. ## describe services ### CLI To describe a casual-service just use the following command: ```bash $ casual describe ``` ### http request If the header `casual-service-describe` is set to `true`, the describe mechanism will kick in and the payload will be the description (model) of the service. Unfortunately, _describe_ does not contain _description/documentation_ about what the service does, and how it works. Only what the service takes as input and gives as output (this will be added in the future)